
Nanolayer against evaporation

2005/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Nanolayer against evaporation
01/12/2005 | Elhuyar
(Photo: mec)

At the prestigious MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology they have created an anti-evaporation layer or bath using nanotechnology. It is very effective and lasts compared to the previous ones. And it is that the bathrooms that are given now have to be renewed from time to time and also not always serve. For example, a glass with titanium dioxide particles was recently invented. It does not actually evaporate, but it is only effective in daylight.

The material invented at MIT is stratified and consists of crystalline nanoparticles. For the manufacture of the material a glass sheet is alternately inserted in two solutions, first in the solution of crystal nanoparticles with negative charge and then in a polymer with positive charge. Crystalline nanoparticles are trapped in a network attached to polymers. Then, when heated to 500ºC, the polymer burns and the crystalline particles merge. The result is a fully effective porous nanoparticle network to prevent volatilization.

Researchers expect to market within 2-5 years as it is very easy to apply to any glass. In addition, it has another application: if the material has the necessary shape, it serves to carry the water to wherever it is desired on any surface, without having to make channels for it.

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