
Origin of the Earth

2002/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Despite the fact that so far the process of creating the Earth lasted about 50 million years, a group of scientists from the University of New Jersey has concluded that it only took 20 million years.

New isolation techniques have been used in the study of the radioactive forms of niobium and zirconium taken from meteorites, when, for the first time, the isolation of the elements in the sample itself. To avoid any external condition, very special methods such as air filters against external impact, magnetic distribution tools, and numerous chemical separation techniques have been used.

Meteorites are one of the oldest structures we can study in the solar system. Analyzing its components, it is possible to know what were the main events of the formation of the Solar System and how they happened, since they keep inside them remains of the changes in the places of departure of these bodies.

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