
Climate secrets of Mount Logan

2002/11/28 Elhuyar Zientzia

Canadian scientists claim to have found traces of climate change on Mount Logan. Mount Logan, with 5,959 meters, is the highest peak in Canada and is located in the province of Yukon, west of the territory. The toner area is always snowy and the researchers have gone there, at 5,300 meters, to explore the ice of the glacier. The ice layers of the glacier have been dated and analyzed and have known the snowfalls of the last 300 years.

According to this data, between 1700 and 1850 the same amount of snow was accumulated annually. But since then this amount has increased considerably, especially in the last ten years. And this is because researchers believe that the climate is changing. That is, for a long time it snows more due to the warming of the western atmosphere of Canada. The hot air provides more humidity, making it more and more snow in winter.

The researchers have stated that the data collected on Mount Logan coincide with others that indicate that the climate is changing, among them those observed in the phenomenon of the Child. But not everyone agrees. For many others, these evidence is too weak to make firm claims about climate change.

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