
E-book also dresses in color

2010/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

E-book also dresses in color
01/12/2010 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Hanvon)

E Ink has surpassed monochrome and developed colorful electronic ink. Triton is the name of the technology that will color the ebook and Hanvon will be the first company to launch such ebooks. They will be marketed in China. It has been developed to color magazines, children's books, comics and cookbooks.

Electronic ink basically attracts black and white dust particles to the capsules that form the screen. Other subcapsules with red, blue, green and white dust particles have now been incorporated into Triton technology.

Hanvov's new e-book will be the same size as Apple's iPad. Its advantage over tablets is that it does not need backlight and its duration is much longer (approximately 10,000 times backwards and forward on pages). However, the colours shown show a much lower degree of saturation.

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