
Old craters, new craters

2005/09/18 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

Astronomers carefully study the craters of the planets and satellites of the Solar System. And you can give more information than you think. For example, astronomers at the University of Arizona have drawn conclusions about the evolution of the solar system based on the size and age of craters.

These astronomers have analyzed the characteristics of all craters that have been detected so far. In many areas of planets and satellites there are many large craters that seem to have suffered a terrible bombardment of meteorites. One example is found in the highlands of the Moon. Elsewhere the craters are younger and it seems that then the bombings were lighter, as for example in the volcanic plains of Mars.

In view of the dimensions and characteristics of these young craters, astronomers have concluded that the asteroids that have recently passed through the Earth's environment were due to the jota. On the contrary, they believe that the ancient craters emerged differently. In fact, the craters of the time are more numerous and of all dimensions. To explain their origin, astronomers have proposed a huge bombardment of asteroids in the reorganization of the outer planets of the Solar System.

They have several hypotheses about this reorganization, but at least it seems that this affected Kuiper's asteroid belt and that the fallen asteroids there faced the planets and satellites within the solar system.

Image courtesy of: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona