Learn playing GEOGRAPHY
2001/09/01 Waliño, Josu - Elhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Although the user can be of any age, this is a CD ROM aimed at ESO students. Through games, users can learn physical and political geography from all continents of the world, including Spanish, French and Basque geography.

On the CD you can play in two ways: playing freely or in competition. The user can play freely You choose! Using the button . When it comes to playing freely, everyone will choose what he wants to play, that is, with which continent or people to play and what topics he will answer: physical or political geography, and within them, what parts will be the questions. In political geography you can play statues, cities, coins, flags, etc., and in physics rivers, mountains, lakes, deserts, etc.

Selecting the continent or country you choose, you will have 400 seconds to play and the duration of each question will depend on the degree of difficulty chosen. For each question you answer correctly you will get 20 euros. You will always have two options to correctly answer a question and it will be answered after the second option. Three well-answered consecutive questions will be a temporary award depending on the degree of difficulty.
You can also apply for help, but in return you will lose time depending on the degree of difficulty.
Play in competition

As a competition, there will be one more game to choose from: Photo rally. In this game the user will have thousands of questions with photographs. But to participate in the rally you will have to get a minimum of 1,500 euros in the rest of the games. To do this, you must play at least with Euskal Herria, Spain, France and two continents, with a minimum of 300 euros in each of them. If in any of them the limit of 300 euros is not reached, you must play again with that country or continent until reaching the minimum of euros.
The rally can be played when between all the games get a minimum of 1,500 euros and depending on the postcards you get, the user can write down his name in the general.

The duration of each question will depend on the level of difficulty chosen, as well as the free play option. For each question you answer correctly you will get 20 euros. You will always have two options to correctly answer a question and it will be answered after the second option. If the three questions in the following answer are correct, the time award will depend on the degree of difficulty.
You can also apply for help, but in return you will lose time depending on the degree of difficulty.
This year another two CD-ROMs
This is the second CD-ROM edited by Elhuyar this year and plans to edit two more. The first was Kantuketan, an interactive CD-ROM where children knew the world of music. This time the CD of Geography has been published and, before the end of the year, it is expected to continue with the world CD department with the Pirates. In September the CD-ROM 3 will be published with the Pirates in the world of language and in early December the CD-ROM published with the Pirates in the world of Mathematics 2.

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