Elhuyar publishes the brochure "Research for sustainability, to inspire young people"
2023/11/06 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)

Elhuyar, in collaboration with the Department of Economic Promotion and Strategic Projects of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, has published the booklet "Research for sustainability, inspiration for young people to work on sustainability in the classroom". This brochure offers teachers a number of projects and reflections from the point of view of environmental responsibility. It aims to provide inspiration and support to the educational community. In fact, today’s young people will necessarily have to get involved in dealing with the environmental emergency. Therefore, it is interesting to promote reflections and actions in the classroom on sustainability and climate emergency with young people, taking into account equality, inclusion and social transformation.
The brochure is the result of Elhuyar’s project “2022-2023 Gluons Table to inspire young people in the future”. Within this project, it has organized meetings between different experts to discuss sustainability, environmental emergency and education, and the leaflet has been elaborated by collecting the contents derived from the reflections and works carried out in these meetings.
The booklet, composed of explanatory texts and illustrations by Pernan Goñi, consists of two main sections: the first section presents 20 key ideas for working sustainability and environmental emergency in the classroom, while the second section presents 20 inspection projects proposed by researchers to work on sustainability. Through the projects, students must answer questions such as how many loaves can be made with the energy needed to travel 100 km in a particular car? Where does our center lose energy? Is what we are wearing sustainable? What types of plastics contaminate beaches?...
Dissemination of the brochure and sustainability content
The Sustainability Research brochure can be downloaded from today to inspire young people. Download link https://zientzia.eus/media/pdf_alea/Elhuyar-JASANGARRITASUNA-GazteakInspi.pdf
In addition, in the coming months Elhuyar will disseminate the contents of the brochure. To do this, comic strips illustrated by Pernan Goñi will be published on Elhuyar’s social networks and on the STEAM Web education zientzia.eus. In addition, interviews will be published with the experts participating in the project to get to know their research projects and deepen the project proposals for young people.
This project, promoted by Elhuyar, is supported by the Department of Economic Promotion and Strategic Projects of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

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