Textile Gluer
1997/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The stitching of the fabrics is usually the weakest point of the garments. In addition, the thread covering two tissues deforms the tissues. Therefore, sticking the two fabrics with “welding” is much stronger, as the threads are not crossed into the fabric. For this reason, Mr. Olivier Lapidus, with the help of the German Durkopf, has prepared a machine to glue the fabrics. It is similar to the sewing machine, but it replaces the thread with flexible glues of last generation, without crossing the tissues.
Navigation will be a technique that will revolutionize clothing. Lately we are investigating microbubbles of tail dispersed in the emulsion and in the form of “sandwich” can join the elastic tissues and glue them with fiber without altering their characteristics.

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