
Seismic wave detection technology in the marine background

2004/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The Public University of Navarra has carried out a study on the processing of seismic waves that occur in the seabed.

(Photo: University of Navarra. Public).

The project began with the OBS (Ocean Bottom Seismometers) devices, the seismometers of the seabed. These OBS systems were soon obsolete and many of them were lost submerged into the sea.

For this reason, and for better processing of marine background signals, they saw the need to develop their own OBS technology. Specifically, the Navarrese team has worked on the collection and treatment of signaling and has adapted the information to facilitate the interpretation of seismologists and geologists.

In addition to this university, scientists from the Vilanova i la Geltru technology centre and the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar participated in the project.

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