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Euskadi Country the first global ion source of ion sources in 2009
2008/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Euskadi to implement the first world trials bank of ion sources in 2009
01/01/2008 | Elhuyar

(Photo: STFC)
In 2009, the UPV Leioa campus will implement the world's first ion source test bank. The ITUR project will be led by the Tekniker-Ik4 technology centre. It will enable a pioneering and technology-specific comparison of existing ion sources.
In the world there are two sources of ions in operation, one in Britain and one in the United States, and a third under construction in Japan. But there is no test bank that measures the performance and efficiency of these emissions, which is what will be built in Leioa for 2009.
News in brief

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