
Through the keywords of the Internet

2002/02/05 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

Keywords or keywords facilitate internet browsing. And it is not necessary to put three w and bars, neither write everything followed, nor remember the final point (.com, .net or whatever). Write directly the desired address and ready.

This system was patented by the RealName Corporation and in the Spanish state Nominalia has the right to market it. It is ready for use in Microsoft Internet Explorer and is available for 88% of Internet users in the world.

It accepts all characters such as ñ, ç, punctuation signs and even intervals. Thus, the search is much faster and more natural, since it can be written as the name or brand and supports the particularities of each language.

However, the keywords do not replace the domain names but vice versa; to have a keyword it is necessary to have a domain name, so they are additional. The addresses are global, but as they work in each country, local brands are protected. In addition, they establish measures against the ‘cyberokupas’.

To find out more click here

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