Internet more euskaldun
2000/05/01 Waliño, Josu - Elhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
In March of this year we can say that the Internet has become a little more euskaldun. Or at least it is more filled with Basque content. This month two presentations were presented: on the one hand, the Web of the Basque Country promoted by the Basque Government, and on the other, the Euskaldunon Egunkaria on-line newspaper service. Both important.
On the website of Euskara (, managed by the Basque Government's Department of Linguistic Policy, you can find numerous information and tools directly related to the Basque language. They say it is a "permanent website to renew, complete and update", that is, a live website. On this website, which can be consulted in four languages, in addition to content in text format, specific applications can be found directly related to the Basque language. Thus, for example, you can consult the sociolinguistic evolution of the CAPV in a database, in which the information can be graphically included. You can also find the CAPV data base, as well as the database of infrastructures that work in favor of the Basque language in one way or another. You can also find information about books, videos and CD-ROMs, as well as tools to work the Basque language: in addition to the Elhuyar dictionary that existed on that site, you can find 3000 dictionaries and the synonyms dictionary, as well as a link to EuskalTerm.
Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper
The on-line service of Euskaldunon Egunkaria is also not simple. Through the search engine enabled on your website ( we can search for any word that appears in all articles published in 1999. It also offers the possibility to restrict more searches, being able to reduce them per month, department and page number. It is an effective and really agile service, which allows us to also give the results in text format, visualize the model as it was published. This is the direct consequence of the effort made last year by the Basque Government to put the Basque press online. In the first step we can find on-line to Argia and Egunkaria, and soon we will have available on the internet the rest of Basque magazines.

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