
Moon trip without rubbing your pocket

1995/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

NASA prepares a new trip to the Moon. The 1997 research expedition will aim to study the ice lakes of the South and North poles of the Moon. According to the researchers participating in the trip, the ice of the lakes detected on the surface of the Moon can be used in the future for human consumption.

In this last trip, which is being prepared, you can complete the investigations that the Apollo space carried out in the 70s. A detailed study of the gravitational fields around the Moon will be carried out in order to complete the data provided by Apollo.

The organization of the trip has generated a strong controversy among the companies that work for NASA, since the new work philosophy of the agency has been surprised in most cases and has received a demanding order of budget cut. A new motto has been found at NASA: “Cheap, fast and good.” Although reliable data have not been published, they say that travel corresponds to the aforementioned motto. Among the projects presented, NASA has chosen the cheapest, with a cost of 150 million dollars.

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