
I see… what do you see?

1997/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

“They sent us to fight the enemies, not the elements.” It seems that the lessons of history have not been taken into account in the U.S. Army. and now they are realizing the mistake made. In his day he went to “The Invincible Army” and now to “The Invisible Plane”.

B-2 plane invisible, invisible with time.

The B-2 has been one of the most expensive projects in recent years. It is invisible to enemy radars thanks to the placed outer layer, hidden with a special mixture of plastics and metals that absorbs all the luminous signals.

In the face of rain, humidity and heat, however, the invisible B-2 plane is useless... it manifests itself to enemy radars in all its extension. In practice, then, the B-2 will only serve to show it as curiosity, since it will hardly occur the weather conditions that the plane needs “capricious” during the possible intervention.

The U.S. Army has invested nearly $45 billion in a revolutionary project. The military leaders said that the invisible plane would give them a great military and strategic capacity, and that is when there is a dry environment, but when it rains it is only an expensive toy.

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