
See and listen all at once

1996/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Soon we will be able to send or receive simultaneously sounds, texts and images through a single telephone line. So far you have had to use two different phone lines to keep a conversation and receive text images, but this will change quickly.

Thanks to this new modem, called "Simultaneous Sound and Digital Date", both users will be able to talk as texts and images appear on their computer screen.

Electronic engineers met in Munich with representatives of the International Telecommunication Association to retouch the new technology. Thanks to this new modem, called "Simultaneous Sound and Digital Date", both users will be able to talk as texts and images appear on their computer screen.

For all this to be possible two novelties have been made. On the one hand, the analog telephone message has become a digital signal and has been compressed and, on the other, the new modem will be able to send the computer message at a speed higher than the previous. The ASDD modem will broadcast the digitized oral signal and computer message in two separate packages: upon reaching both signals to the receiver's ASDD, they will become an analog code with voice and text images on the computer.

Gai honi buruzko eduki gehiago

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