Carnival Antennas
1997/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
If you ask yourself what you see in the image below, reader, without looking too much you would almost certainly answer the ‘tree’, you would also tell us that it looks like conifers. Well, no. Epoxy is a resin ‘disguised’ antenna, even if it doesn’t look like it.
The idea has focused on US companies ARCNET, Larson and AT&T. Since mobile phones are increasingly numerous and this has meant an increase in the network of repeaters and antennas, it is intended to solve in this way the aesthetic problem generated by this infrastructure. The truth is that the antennas, due to their long length, generate a great impact everywhere. Remember that only 38 million people use mobile phones in the US.
The antennas have proliferated the mushrooms as in autumn everywhere, which, as we know, generates a huge ecological impact. The solution proposed by the three companies is not too expensive and obviously serves to avoid the problem. They announce that in the coming months the “costumes” of palm trees and cactus will be sold.
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