Virtual visit to the hamlet Igartubeiti
2003/03/25 Andonegi Beristain, Garazi - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa
The objective of the project is to inform the visitor of the visit being made using virtual reality. To do this, the digital stories developed in VICOMtech are used. These stories have been developed taking into account virtual reality systems and those used by historical accounts. In this way you can ‘live’ the route and, in addition, it is informed of the historical period. The story serves to arouse interest and facilitate the understanding of historical relationships.
One of the attractions of virtuality is the presence of avatars that allow the user to see things in real size, understand the scene and know historical information, among other things.
From an artistic and cultural point of view, this project aims to make known the hamlet Igartubeiti from another point of view, making the visitor part of the story. Simultaneous visits XVI. You can interact with 20th century customs and objects.
But the project has other technological objectives. Among them are: copying the wood structure, obtaining natural lighting, developing a voice synthesizer, developing an interactive avatar that integrates into the environment –XVI. It will dress like the Gipuzkoans of the twentieth century – and integrate into the Internet the three-dimensional model of the hamlet and the avatar.
The project, funded by the Department of Culture of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, will be a traveling exhibition that will tour different points of Gipuzkoa.

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