IBM renews the capacity of its hard drives
2001/07/01 Waliño, Josu - Elhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

new technology developed by IBM can increase the capacity and density of hard drives up to 400 Gb. This technology, called AFC (antiferromagnetically coupled), establishes a thin layer of ruthenium on the discs that make up the hard disk, which allows a greater capacity of each of them. With this novelty, hard drives are not expensive, as the AFC increases the density and capacity of the disk, without adding disks or storage heads.
At the moment the technology is not fully developed, but if at this time a hard drive has a capacity of 20Gb per inch, they have a capacity of 25.7 new hard drives that IBM has released and expect in 2003 to reach 100Gb per inch. Thus, a normal PC hard drive will have a capacity of 400 Gb and a portable 200 Gb.

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