
Hubble telescope looking at Mars

1997/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

After its repair last February, the Hubble space telescope has turned its new eyes into the Martitz area and has had a great success. Martitz has sent the best photos that have been made from his approach to Earth.

The Hubble Telescope was repaired last February and soon there has been an improvement in the photos it has taken to Mars. But it still has a lot to solve and NASA engineers are getting ready.

When he took photos, on March 10, he was 100 million kilometers from the Tierra Mártiz. On Mars the northern hemisphere was practically on the summer solstice. With the gasification of the carbon oxide (IV) beret of the pole, you see a smaller perennial water hat surrounded by sand dunes.

As a continuation of the ice hat are the clouds of ice that illuminate the immense reliefs. The Hubble Telescope has obtained excellent results, but Anna's engineers will have to make more repairs. In fact, an infrared spectrometer camera is heated too much and is currently blind.

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