This is how Amasia is born
2012/02/16 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The supercontinent is called amasia, which will be formed in the future, that is to say, the earth will continue to form when the continents that exist today join. Geologists know that this is going to happen because the continents come together and separate cyclically, but they do not know exactly how the next meeting will occur. So far.
America moves to the west, leaves Europe and approaches Asia. It is moving towards North Africa and also Australia, turning at once. The movements are not strictly continental, but rather tectonic plates, the most complete structures that sustain the continents and float on the earth's mantle. There are plates that are constantly being measured under others and that are also not rigid invariable solids. However, all these plate movements are known and are measured with great precision, as they are a few centimeters a year.
Some geologists believe that with these movements the appearance of the supercontinent of Amasia can be extrapolated. Others, however, predict changes in continental movements before all lands come together, making it more difficult to predict the appearance of Amasia.
The final results of this line of research have been published by geophysics of the University of Yale in the journal Nature. And they propose an intermediate solution. They have researched the previous supercontinents of the history of the Earth through the magnetic information extracted from the orientation of the stones, and have seen that each supercontinent is born moving 90º of its previous position. And his model announces the same for the birth of Amasia.
According to the model, first North America and South America will join and then move north and join with Asia in the North Pole approximately. Australia joins India and thus will emerge in 200 million years the new supercontinent Amasia.
Geologist Arturo Apraiz spoke about the supercontinents and Amasia in the North Ferrokarrilla program.

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