Discover the remains of older bred horses
2009/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
In Kazakhstan, clues have been found that 5,500 years ago horses were educated. Researchers from the Exeter University of the UK have studied a settlement of an ancient botanical culture in which found remains of domesticated horses.
Scientists have studied the bones of the horses of the boots and have stated that they are more like the horses raised from the Bronze Age than the wild horses of the Paleolithic. In addition, in the teeth of these horses have been found the physical marks that remain in the use of the straps. Traces of horse milk fat have also been detected in the ceramic remains found.
According to the researchers, these discoveries ensure that at least some horse buttons were trained. This places the domestication of horses a thousand years earlier than expected. According to scientists, horse education is an important exponent of civilized societies.
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