
Wireless chargers

2007/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Wireless chargers
01/02/2007 | Elhuyar
(Photo: SIEMENS)

In short, to recharge your mobile phone, it may be enough to leave it on the table. In fact, physicists at the Masachusett Institute of Technology have proposed a form of wireless charging of electronic devices. They have computer simulated the power transmission technique to a device that can be several meters from a source. They propose to use an electromagnetic field.

Although electromagnetic radiation can be used to charge devices, current technologies are not effective and can pose a risk. The problem is that when electromagnetic waves spread in all directions, most of the energy is lost in the middle. The method proposed by the researchers would use an electromagnetic field to drive energy. The energy would be transferred to the device, as the antenna of the device and the transmitter would have the same resonance frequency. And on the contrary, the objects of the environment would not absorb energy, since they would not have resonance in that frequency. In addition, most of the energy that the device would not absorb would be absorbed by the transmitter itself.

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