H-II, new collaboration model
1995/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Better collaborating than individually. The lesson has been well received in Japan and the witness of what was learned in space that came out on March 18. It is believed that the launch of the rocket called H-II will mark a new working model. For the first time in Japanese history, three entities have participated in such a project: Space Institutes, Space Development Agencies and Energy and Industrial Development Associations. The creation, development and launch of the rocket, as well as the resolution of the last minute technical problems, have fallen into the following organizations:
The work of the H-II rocket will not be easy. The rocket will be used to investigate the new electric propulsion system after testing the new telescope model and analyzing the behavior of electrical materials. Back home, the three entities that have led the project will be able to use the results obtained.

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