Where will our land be?
1991/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Within 100 million years we cannot predict where our planet will be. To this conclusion comes the Parisian mathematician Jacques Laskar after analyzing the elliptical movement of the inner planets of the solar system (Mercury, Artizar, Martitz and Earth).
The research has been done by computer and it has been proven that interplanetary attraction has too many factors to predict its long-term evolution. Therefore, it cannot be said if within 100 million years the Earth will be at that point or at another.
On the other hand, researchers from the prestigious MIT of Boston have been studying the displacements of large outer planets. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune have been studied. According to the results extracted from the computer, the movements of these planets are quite stable, but the movement of the smallest planet of the Solar System (Pluto) is chaotic and it is not possible to calculate in what position it will be within 500 million years.

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