Innovative management system by GUNE
2003/04/01 Andonegi Beristain, Garazi - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
What is the objective of the GUNE project?
The objective of the GUNE Ka project is, above all, to provide the worker with greater responsibility and management possibilities, especially the teachers who are in the vocational training centres.
How does this project come about?
Society has always needed knowledge to develop technical advances, but until now technology has been the most important element. From now on, knowledge will be the most decisive resource. Therefore, we consider that our management models must adapt to these new concepts, both in companies and in schools, and there we saw the challenge.

At present, things in the world of work, society and education are constantly changing and will change in the future. From now on, teachers will not be required to apply our knowledge to pre-established systems, but have the ability to adapt our knowledge to new situations with great creativity.
And that is already happening, at least in vocational training centers. The teacher who has certain knowledge is no longer enough, you need a teacher who can use his knowledge and skills to meet new challenges, who constantly learns, who transmits his knowledge to others, who makes decisions, works as a team, etc. That is, in essence, we need a knowledge worker able to use it creatively.
Do many things change as a result of this vision?
Many concepts change. For example, who is the company? From the owners of machinery and technology? On the contrary, if we now say that knowledge is important, will the enterprise be that of knowledge workers?
On the other hand, against the will of a person, knowledge cannot be spread. Therefore, if you want a person to make their knowledge available to other people, it is necessary to create appropriate structures and give decision-making power to both the teacher and the worker.
And as for schools and vocational training, what?
In this experience we want to organize the center by zones. We have to decide which area should work each of the spaces, give them the capacity to decide their way of management and from there we want to promote self-management. In this way, they should set their objectives, have clear the results they want to achieve, offer systems of management of their tasks, etc., but that the process is owned by the staff of the area.
Is it necessary to create new structures?
Yes, it is necessary to create more horizontal structures and integrate resources into them so that the exchange of information and knowledge is effective. For example, we have created three main structures: lessons, areas and scripts. Each directs its services to a type of customer and makes it as efficient as possible. On the other hand, we want to create other structures for improvement, as well as to reflect on the direction of the school and make decisions. Finally, we want to organize a new access point so that the knowledge of all and all reaches everyone.
In addition, I think the theorization that underlies this structure is important: What kind of teachers do we need in the future? Knowledge. Consequently, what management system should we create so that this teacher can creatively use that knowledge?
I do not know what results we will get, what I know is that it will not be a matter of a few days, it will last a lot, but I am sure that on that path we will improve the centers.

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