Plane without gravity
1996/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Changes in research on microgravity in air in Europe. In the last six years the Caravelle 234 aircraft has been used for rehearsal, but after thirty research sessions, it is the last. In these flights the airplane travel is similar to that of the bell and creates an interior situation without gravitation
The Caravelle 234 has been replaced by the Airbus A.300-B2. The budget for adapting the device to parabolic flights is 36 million pounds (900 million pesetas). First pickled, repainted and controlled. Subsequently, the pilots will carry out tests in flight and will undoubtedly be the largest of the planes that are studying the micro-engraving, since to train the cosmonauts the KC-135 of the United States and the Ilyuchine-76 of Russia are minor.

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