
Ideas to send man to Mars

2008/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Ideas to send man to Mars
01/01/2008 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Recent searches

The idea of a manned trip to Mars advances. NASA has already presented its main strategy for this trip: the idea is to build a large 400 ton spacecraft and move it through a cryogenic fuel propulsion system. The parts of this ship will be built on Earth, but they want to join and orbit around Earth.

One advantage of the large spacecraft is that plants grow inside. According to NASA, on the one hand, they will have access to vegetables to eat, and on the other, plant breeding work will contribute to the "psychological health" of astronauts. Other details have been the recycling of water and air from the container and the nuclear power source from inside the container systems.

It is a journey of six or seven months that want to stay on Mars for 16 months, in total will be about 30 months of adventure. NASA is clear that the project can change a lot, but that is the best strategy they have right now. It is expected to take place around 2031, while preparatory tests on the Moon are proposed.

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