
Scientific and technological activities for young people at the Nerbioi-Ibaizabal

2021/09/21 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)

10 municipalities of Nerbioi-Ibaizabal and Elhuyar have signed an agreement with the objective of arousing the interest of young people in the region for science and technology. Until the end of the year, different activities will be carried out: workshops in the gaztegunes, itinerant exhibition of STEM women, presentation of the STEAM diagnosis of young people and “Meeting of Peers”.


Ten municipalities of Nerbioi-Ibaizabal (Arakaldo, Arrokudiaga, Arrigorriaga, Etxebarri, Galdakao, Orozko, Ugao-Miraballes, Orduña, Zaratamo and Zeberio) and Elhuyar have signed an agreement in the City of Arrigorriaga. It has been attended by the Youth Councilor of Arrigorriaga, Iratxe Rubio Gil, the Elhuyar Science Coordinator, Garazi Andonegi Beristain, the president of the Mancomunidad Nerbioi-Ibaizabal, Miguel Ángel Herrero, and the mayors of the ten municipalities.

This agreement aims to awaken interest among the local youth on STEAM issues (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics). The Youth Councilor of Arrigorriaga, Iratxe Rubio Gil, has pointed out that young people have little tendency to choose such studies, especially girls. The area of Science and Technology, one of the main agents of the region, has added that something needs to be done. Most young people are unaware of these work activities and professional STEM professionals in the area need to approach them and establish close relationships. In addition, through programmed activities, the 21st. Young people will develop the skills of the 21st century. These include critical thinking, collaborative skills, creativity and communication skills.

Garazi Andonegi Beristain, coordinator of Elhuyar Zientzia, has stressed that the Nerbioi-Ibaizabal region will join the network of research centres for young Bizilabe through this convention. The first Bizilabe center opened in 2017 in Bilbao. Since then the network has been expanding and has spread to Elgoibar, Soraluze, Tolosa and Villadia-Amasa. In Bizilabe, young people between 10 and 17 years of age perform scientific and technological activities in their leisure time, led by professionals from these areas. The Bizilabe network is supported by the Basque Government.

Andoni adds that in this work of strengthening the STEM it is essential to involve the whole community: municipalities, schools, leisure groups, parents, businesses, etc. It has also highlighted the importance of the experiences of young people. Therefore, in the coming months, different activities related to science and technology have been organized: workshops in the gaztegunes, exhibition “NEITHER STEAM Women” and “Meeting of Peers”, among others. These actions will be reported below.

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