From today no longer sold gasoline with lead
2001/08/01 Elhuyar Zientzia

As we announced a few months ago, from today there will no longer be sold super gasoline with lead. Instead, users of super gasoline should choose as an additive a unleaded gasoline containing organic salts of sodium, potassium, phosphorus and manganese.
Initially, the confusion was made by the user himself, but then the Oil Industry Association AOP announced that the confusion would be sold. However, keep in mind that each house has given a different name to the new confusion. So, at the Repsol gas stations you have to choose the new Super 97, at the Cepsa la Super new gas stations and at the BP the Ecosuper 97.
For some years the European Union has been working on the withdrawal of the market of lead gasoline. However, super gasoline is still used by many cars and a sudden change is impossible. From today it opens a period of two years to renew the car park and completely eliminate the cars that need super gasoline.

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