
The shortest night

2001/06/21 Elhuyar Zientzia

Today in the northern hemisphere is the summer solstice, that is, summer begins. As the Earth's axis of rotation has a tilt of 27 degrees, the sun's rays arrive depending on the Earth's point in the translation around the Sun. Consequently, four stations are distinguished.

In the summer solstice, the solar rays arrive directly or perpendicularly to the lands of the northern hemisphere and it is the day with more hours of sun. Therefore, the ancient peoples celebrated the night. Although by the influence of the church this feast became a tribute to St. John, the custom of lighting bonfires in many places is still maintained.

For many, with long days and good weather comes the holiday period. And those who connect holidays with the beach are also not few. For those who are not satisfied with the beaches of Euskal Herria, know that in the United States the ranking of the best beaches in the world has been published. For the preparation of the list 50 agents have been taken into account. Some of these factors are the size of the beach at high tide and low tide, the softness of the sand, the temperature and color of the water, the force and currents of the waves, the amount of algae, the smell, the sound, the presence of garbage, the views, the buildings, the accesses, the rescuers, the number of people, the services, etc.

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