Spring begins today!
2001/03/20 Elhuyar Zientzia

Spring is the time from the spring equinox to the summer solstice. The equinox, in the apparent movement of the sun over the ecliptic, is the period that crosses the celestial equator and at that time the night and day have the same duration. In the solstice, on the contrary, are the longest days (summer) or nights (winter).
However, it varies by location: when we celebrate the arrival of spring in the northern hemisphere, in the southern hemisphere they enter autumn, and in the equator there are only two six-month seasons, one dry and one wet. In addition, in these areas, throughout the year the day and night have a similar duration (about 12 hours). In the North and South Poles spring and autumn are also very short, so the main seasons are summer and winter.
In the northern hemisphere, therefore, spring lasts three months and, after winter, it is life time. For this reason, at this time various traditions related to land and agriculture are remembered. At a time when human beings had a closer relationship with nature, they offered numerous rites to the gods to make the earth rich.
Today, although many of these traditions have disappeared, we associate spring with hope and new times. For some it is also time of allergies, itching and red eyes, but at the same time come long afternoons and see flowering plants around. From today, the sun will heat the earth for more than twelve hours and at noon it will rise to the highest point of day 21. Enjoy it!

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