Promotion of public transport
1998/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

British drivers will soon have to pay for driving through urban centers if the British government's transportation plan advances. In recent years the number of car users has increased and the concentration of cars in urban centers has led to an increase in pollution. The City Councils will demand drivers a yearly collection for the possession of the car and will establish new taxes in the car parks of the workplaces, while at the same time trying to improve public transport.
To do this, a National Public Transport Information Service will be created which will serve to organize trips through the phone and the Internet. On the other hand, it is intended that supermarkets located outside the cities offer services to take home purchases to reduce the use of cars. However, ecologists have proposed that the car parks in these supermarkets be paid.

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