
Febo, a forane in the territory of Saturn

2005/05/05 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

The largest of Saturn's small satellites, Febo, is said to come from outside, that is, it was not formed at the center of our solar system, like the terrestrial planets and most satellites. On the contrary, it may have a similar origin to that of Kuiper belt objects.

In fact, according to data obtained last year by the Cassini-Huygens probe, Febo has more rock and less ice than satellites in the area, and regular organic minerals and molecules have also been found in Kuiper belt objects.

However, it is not the only news related to Saturn satellites. In fact, astronomers have found twelve more satellites, so 46 are known for the time being around Saturn.

This has not changed the satellite ranking of our Solar System, as Jupiter continues first with 63 satellites, Saturn with the second 46 and later Uranus and Neptune with 27 and 13 respectively.