
Friends by surprise

1995/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Your face sounds to me, but I don't remember you... the phrase is a motto that we have had to listen and use many times, afraid to recognize that memory capacity is too useless. The problem is not new. But the solution that Casio Computer from Tokyo will offer soon. If the deadlines provided by the company are met, before the end of the year, a new system will be on the market that relates faces and names to easily overcome our memory capacity.

Their appearance will be laptop computers and have prescribed it will be a terrace of use. Its operating model is to classify the characteristics of the face. Saving each person's image is a huge memory capacity. To find the name of the person you want to find, we must explain the main characteristics of the face: yellow hair, blue eyes, etc. Once the data is entered, the name corresponding to that face will appear on the screen. A perfect system not to be embarrassed in the center of the street. The only obstacle, of course, is its price.