Looking for the European oceans
2000/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Jupiter's Europe satellite, according to NASA researchers, can store oceans of salt water under its icy surface. After analyzing the data obtained by the Galileo probe, a group of researchers has exposed the theory that would demonstrate the existence of these oceans. NASA has studied the European magnetic field using the magnetometer of the Galileo probe and the results obtained seem to indicate that on the surface of the satellite there is a layer of liquid water. This layer of liquid water would be located under the well-known ice sheet. Being liquid, it would be conductive and therefore affect the magnetic field of the satellite, thus generating the effect that the Galileo magnetometer has discovered. If the presence of liquid water is demonstrated in this satellite of Jupiter, it would mean the possibility of finding life outside our Earth, since, according to science, liquid water is necessary to exist. There is nowhere else in the entire solar system where liquid water can be found.

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