
Search by links

2002/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Find one of the secrets to not waste time on the Internet. But the powerful services that users have access to do not ensure that we find what we are looking for. From the Princeton NEC Research Institute it has been proposed to take more advantage of the links in order to perform effective searches adapted to particular interests. The starting point of the search is the community structure of the network.

The Gary Flake team of the NEC Research Institute, based on links between websites, has created a new search algorithm and, as they have said, Yahoo! And they have been able to find high quality websites that escape Google search engines. Flake claims that seekers do not fully reflect the community structure of the Internet.

Flak wants the new algorithm to be a complement to existing search systems, since the structures generated by the links can offer the possibility of performing adapted and more effective searches. For Flake this tool is especially interesting for scientists, as they have a great tendency to join their pages. But it will serve for everyone. The Internet community map is now being done to test how the algorithm works without the homepage.

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