The passion of speleologists in the light
2007/09/28 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

If we do not enter, until now it was difficult to know one of the great underground treasures we have in Euskal Herria: Torca del carlista. But thanks to a magnificent expedition of speleology and photography, we have known it through photographs.
The torca del carlista is 712 meters high, almost at the top of Mount Carlista, in the Encartaciones. To properly contemplate this magnificent karst structure it is necessary to enter the interior of the mountain and descend 340 meters. Although the torcas or dolinas are generally small depressions, that is huge: It has a length of 500 meters and a width of 230 meters and a ceiling of 125 meters. With these measures, it is the largest underground room known in Europe and the third in the world. According to experts, it is the largest underground structure in the Basque Country along with that of Pozalagua.
Considering these features, it has not been easy task to take photos. They had to lower the material there and properly illuminate this large space. The work, directed by photographer and speleologist Jabier Les, has had the collaboration of Alfonso Antxia, member of the association of speleological sciences, and a member of the speleology team GEMA of Durango.

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