
Playing the sax in space

1999/11/14 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia

Touching the saxophone on earth is not easy, but this task is even more complicated when you want to perform in conditions of spatial gravity. Statement by French astronaut Jean-Pierre Haignere.

Haignere was at the MIR space station between February and August. During that time MIR made 3,000 rounds on Earth and Haigner had occasion to play the sax several times. "Since there is no gravity," he said, "the sax has no weight. Therefore, in this situation it is very difficult to keep the device in the correct position and at the same time press the appropriate keys." It is not the only drawback for musicians in space. The lack of gravity causes the diaphragm to rise in the chest, so it is not possible to breathe deeply and it is almost impossible to reach high notes. As if it were not enough, the txistu does not make way in the saxophone, as it stays at the end. The French astronaut especially liked to play jazz and samba.

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