Giant spaceships
1986/08/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
In order to conquer the planets of the stars of our environment for the human being, on several occasions the idea of building large spaceships, a small world, has been launched. On these great ships would multiply men and their animals and their crops and, from generation to generation, the heirs of those who left the Earth after their journey.
To reach the inaccessible stars, this idea is a temptation. However, you can only stay on that, in a tempting idea if the conclusions of some of the sessions held last April in "Spacelab 3" are confirmed. For seven days, young rats who lived in space lost bone mass and hardness.
What does this mean? If we move the problem to the limits of men, this means that children born in space would be small and thick. In addition, the skeleton of children born in space could not seriously maintain their weight.
In the words of NASA researcher Sarah Arnaud, "The ideal being to live in space will be round, without long, rigid bones." Therefore, and in line with the above mentioned, it would be regrettable that those who travel on one of these giant ships, after eleven years, cannot take advantage when arriving on a planet. They would not bear their weight by gravity.

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