Trying to produce new dairy products
2003/04/01 Atxotegi Alegria, Uhaina - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

When entering the dairy area of supermarkets, and especially in the yogurt area, the products are easily separated. On the one hand, they offer the big and known houses and, on the other, those that produce in Euskal Herria in much smaller quantities. Normally, in addition to being a Euskaldun name, most have a handmade touch. But it is often difficult to separate products from others.
Markina's Lea-Artibai Vocational Training Centre is working on the creation of different dairy products. Only a few weeks ago they have started with this new project.
Dairy products that will differ from the rest
A private company went to the college of Lea-Artibai to produce new products with the milk it produces. This center has a production plant and analysis of dairy products.
To date this company has only produced milk and from now on I would like to add value to it and develop a product that differs from the rest of dairy products.

The product is yet to be defined, but as in most cases there is strong competition in the field of dairy products, so they would like to launch a product with a particularity.
Professor Nahia Andonegi and his team have currently selected two dairy products: yogurt and cheese. Yogurt is a product with many possibilities. And there are endless ways to eat yogurt: with jam, fruits, cereals, etc. In addition, much yogurt is sold.
So they have decided to analyze this product. In the opinion of Nahi Andonegi, “you can play a lot with the consistency of yogurt”. You can add condensed milk or dehydrated milk so that it has different thickness. In this way, it can be separated from other yoghurts, without altering the taste. In addition, they would like to create an artisanal product.
Different production phases
To create this product you must pass several phases. They must first learn how quality controls of milk are performed. Precisely at this moment, a person is studying this subject. On the other hand, they must analyze the type of milk that the requesting company has before producing any product. That is, they must know, among other things, the amount of oil or protein that contains each milk, since it is of great importance when making one or another product. Once you have decided the type of product you want to produce, the time will come to choose and buy the right tooling. And finally, each product must pass the tasting tests (study of consistency, smell, color, etc. ).

In addition to yogurt, they would like to start making cheeses that are not yet produced in Euskal Herria. According to Nahi Andonegi, competing with the famous Idiazabal cheese is almost impossible, so they would like to try to do the same by taking French cheeses as a model. And it is that France has a great culture in the world of cheese and although it likes many of its cheeses, in Euskal Herria no one has been encouraged to make them. Some teachers of the Lea Artibai school intend to try to produce cheeses like Camembert, Brie or Roquefort.
This project, besides being a commercial objective, will serve to train the students of Lea-Artibai in this field. By the end of the year, it is expected to define the new product and present the first samples.

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