Time to retire to submarine Alvin
2004/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
After 40 years unveiling the secrets of the sea, it is time to replace Alvin. His successor will be ready for 2008 and will be able to descend to 6,500 meters deep. Alvin, for his part, was not able to go down below 4,500 meters, but nevertheless, thanks to the data collected by Alvin 1,800 investigations have been possible.

Now researchers are waiting for the next one to finish and start working. And they are eager to study the Atlantic chain of the Cayman. This mountain range is located 5,000 meters deep, where it is believed that there are benthic communities.
In addition, unlike Alvin, on his way to the bottom of the sea, he can work at any depth, so also study the intermediate waters. The information delivery system will also be much better.
However, not everyone is in favor of Alvin's successor. Some believe that submarines carrying humans are not necessary, as data collection robots are also very useful. In addition, robots are cheaper than submarines.

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