
High performance connections too expensive

2002/02/05 Mendiburu, Joana - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

The high-performance Internet connection market will not spread easily in Europe. According to a study by Gartner G2, European consumers, within three years, do not want to pay more than until now to be able to navigate faster.

Gartner Group is an expert group in the market for new technologies that has called more than 6,000 households in Germany, France and Britain to carry out their research. These three countries offer the most opportunities to expand the Internet market.

According to this study, the most important factor for consumers to go back is the high price. For high performance connections, a monthly fee of between 45 and 60 euros is payable, that is, approximately twice that which is currently paid for low performance connections. In addition, the contents do not show so much difference. For this reason, only 10% of households sued by Gartner consider that it is worth making an investment of this type.

Professionals say that the speed is not enough to attract the consumer and that prices must be covered. Bill Gates, director of Microsoft, is of the same opinion and says that to develop technology in the United States it is necessary to reduce the high prices of high performance connections.

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