How to grow turbot
1990/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
In recent times, the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Government is asking about the development of turbot. People want to set up companies based on rolling stock on the coast.
Therefore, at the end of last year the Basque Government organized a course at AZTI headquarters in Sukarrieta. Steps to follow to create a turbot breeding company, how to make the project, ways to obtain grants, etc. were defined.
On the other hand, the technical problems of turbot cultivation and the different aspects of the activity, as well as the quality of marine waters, were clarified.
They traveled to Cantabria and Galicia to visit their turbot farming facilities. In Cantabria the “farms” of Comillas and Tina Menor were seen. In Galicia, Morrazo and Punta Aida. They also visited the Xunta de Galicia Experimental Center in Vilaxoan.

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