New system to speed up X-rays
1995/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Facilitate work for radiologists and reduce the risk of radiation to patients exposed to X-rays. These are the main requirements of the new apparatus presented by the German researcher Seven Ploem. Ploem presented at the Vienna International Meeting the new x-ray system.

The aim of his work has been to avoid the problems caused by the devices known so far. Ploem is a radiologist who knows how difficult and long the X-ray process is. The systems used today force the radiologist to use many controls at once, so the process is longer than necessary. The acceleration of the time required for X-rays will not only benefit the radiologist but also the patient. The time of radiation is ultimately reduced.
The prototype presented in Vienna has been named “tenant and slave”. In short, the slave is an x-ray emitting apparatus and the control system that the tenant keeps in direct contact with the patient and sends the slave's movement. Communication between the tenant and the slave is done electronically.
While the radiologist manages the new system through touch, he can control the images that X-rays generate in the patient. The prototype presented by Ploem has meant half the time it takes the systems so far to perform an X-ray.