Long-term weather forecasts
2001/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The lowest layer of the earth's atmosphere, the troposphere, is the nightmare of the time preachers. Often, especially during the winter, there are noticeable weather changes that have not been predictable. According to a study published by the journal Science, sometimes changes that occur in the upper layer of the atmosphere, the stratosphere, have an influence that can last approximately two months in the time of the northern hemisphere. This discovery allows weather forecasts to make longer term predictions.
At more than 10 kilometers of height, in the stratosphere, the wind often blows with high speed winds that cause turbulence in the North Pole. These swirls tend to change sharply and often increase a lot in size and intensity. The researchers have analyzed 42 wind bellines and their size changes have proven their influence over time.
According to the study, when the whirlpool that has undergone major changes in the upper part adapts to the lower stratosphere layer, it stabilizes in size and intensity and does not present large variations for about 60 days. Therefore, if at that time it was weak or strong, the whirlwind will remain at that time, and if you keep an eye on it, advertisers can help predict the time around two months.

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