
Snow on examination

2002/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria


This month a group of researchers has launched a multi-year research into snow sets. From Earth, from the air and using satellite research, Colorado snow sets will be analyzed. The aim of the research is to perform a better calculation of snow masses to predict the amount of spring water. In passing, it is intended to analyze the influence of snow groups on the Earth's climate, knowing that snowy territories have a notable influence on water resources, climate and global weather.

To do this, a team of 60 people, including scientists and students, will conduct hundreds of holes in which the amount of snow water, temperature and Christianity will be investigated different heights. This information will be used to better understand the formation and development of snow groups, especially to investigate the ice melting process. The transition from snow, water and energy will take us from space to designing better sensors to measure the amount of ice water. The main objective is to improve water cycle forecasts and, consequently, improve the use of water resources.

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