Clinical electrocardiography
2008/03/01 Lopez Viña, Rakel - Marketin sailaElhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The authors of the work of consultation of clinical electrocardiography collect the way to read the electrocardiogram and discuss other topics that are necessary to deepen the electrocardiogram. It is a book that can be used by health students, teachers and doctors. This work was awarded in 2003 with the Agote Award of the Organization for the Euskaldunization of Health, to promote the edition of textbooks in the health field. The main topics are electrophysiology of the cardiac cell, electrocardiogram, normal electrocardiogram and interpretation of the electrocardiogram, cavity growth, intra-ventricular blockages, ischemic heart disease, rhythm problems, etc.
Carlos Ibarguren is currently an assistant physician in the Emergency Department of the Donostia Hospital and Felix Zubia of the Intensive Care Unit of the same hospital. But the authors have not been alone in this challenge and have had the help of the following professionals: Cristina Agirre, doctor of the Hospital of Mendaro; José Jesús Artaetxebarria, nurse of the Hospital Donostia; Karlos Reviejo, doctor of Policlínica Gipuzkoa; and Ricardo Arrue, Izaskun Azkarate, Lucía Elosegi, Haritz Iraeta, Marta Iridia, Angel
The book is already on sale in the main bookstores and in the Elhuyar Foundation itself, 24,50 ? in .
The Elhuyar Foundation has already published a work awarded by the Association for the Euskaldunization of Health. Two years ago he published the book General Pathology, written by Dr. Edurne Ugarte. In this work, the author works the general part of the pathology, the respiratory apparatus and the circulatory apparatus in a book of a thousand pages.

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