
Ecologists, cars and public opinion

2000/06/01 Barcena, Iñaki Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The prestige of ecologists is unquestionable. The opinions published from the Eurobarometer to the Euskobarómetro show that ecological groups and organizations are much more accepted than political parties and unions. The environmental, living, and unselfish protection of health are the subject of recognition.

It seems that, again, around some special issues and controversies that arise in the city, things are darker and the critics of ecologists are not as well treated, as in the case of the automobile.

I believe that the automobile is the most widespread and perhaps the most harmful technological artiluge of this century. With a large part of our economy based on the production of roads, oil and cars, under the control of a few multinationals, the car has become a new disease for the environment and our quality of life. If accidents, fines, pollution and the occupation of the urban space are a pessimistic part of the currency, mobility, social status and the feeling of freedom would be attractive. The advertising of cars has no hesitation in playing with the "sex appeal" or the conquest of nature; in short, the private car wants to replace an important part of our happiness. From the environmental point of view (climate change, air pollution and urban destructuring, for example) and social, cars and cars are the most negative factors.

Among us, both central and regional governments have not yet wanted to see the problem. Roads, variants, tunnels and highways are the sign of development for our politicians. It seems that cars have the right to voters. We are prisoners of the automotive culture and without car we do not arrive to any place. However, the data are there (these are from Bilbao) and if they are incredible or not, they are still pedestrians (48%) most of our cities along with those using public transport (23%). Those who use the car are only a quarter and their "trip" usually does not exceed the kilometer and a half.

Cars are getting better technologically, safer and more energy efficient, but this has brought little good to the environment as registration increases.

For this reason, the proposals of ecologists will look bad because consumption and production demand a profound change. Putting a brake on the expansion of the car is a great challenge like chincharrear the cat, but there will be no shortage of allies and travel companions who support the public's opinion.

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