
The sun is not the largest body of the solar system

2007/11/19 Lakar Iraizoz, Oihane - Elhuyar Zientzia | Álvarez Busca, Lucía - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

The sun is the body with the greatest mass in the solar system. So far he was the greatest, but now another has taken away his superiority: Comets 17P Holmes.


It is known by comet observers from the spalet, specifically since 1892. But on October 23, in twenty-four hours, its luminosity multiplied by a million times and is now visible to the naked eye from Earth. In early November, astronomers at the Institute of Astronomy in Hawaii claimed that the diameter of 17P Holmes is larger than that of the Sun.

Astronomers still don't know why the size and clarity of the 17P Holmes have increased. They believe that the core of the kite has broken and that the inner ice is being ejected and expanded. Thus, the cloud formed by ice and dust around the core of the comet is growing and, as reflected by the luminosity of the Sun, it has more and more light.

This situation will not endure forever. The components of the cloud are constantly dispersing and will eventually become fully dispersed dust and ice particles, which cannot be part of the comet. Then, only ice cubes left in the core can be considered an integral part of the comet.

Photo: NASA, ESA and A. Dyer

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