The day will turn into night on Thursday
2001/06/19 Elhuyar Zientzia

The same show we enjoyed in the northern hemisphere next Thursday in the southern hemisphere. The Moon will cover the Sun in its entirety. The total eclipse can be seen in the South Atlantic and some parts of Africa, and the partial eclipse in Brazil, most of the South Atlantic and much of Africa.
The best observatory is Central Africa, where the eclipse will last more than four minutes. During this time, Jupiter, Mercury and Venus will be shown in sight and, if the weather conditions are very favorable, stars such as Capella, Castor, Pollux, Sirius, Betelgeuse or Rigel can be seen.
Thousands of fans and professionals already await the eclipse in Africa. Most have approached Zambia, attracted by clear skies and political stability. Thanks to the eclipse, Zambia will receive 20,000 tourists and 15 million dollars.

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